物流跟踪: 汇通速递
    施夫特科技(北京)有限公司主要销售进口美国德尔福(DELPHI )(PED)汽车插接件、连接器、端子、护套、密封圈、防水栓、及线束附件。长期为国内知名的大中型汽车生产企业和相关的线束生产企业提供适配的产品和技术服务。现有客户已逾百家,遍布全国,是有着多年技术经验积累的插接件、连接器的专业供应商。
      公司同时销售美国GC (General Cable Industries, Inc.)、英国Madison Wire (Europe) Ltd. 以及美国DELPHI (Delphi Packard Electric Systems)公司的各种车用点火线,以及日本Kohyei Trading Co.,Ltd公司提供的车用粘合剂(胶水)。
      公司有着严谨的管理体制以及高效、敬业、经验丰富的营销团队。自成立以来,本着诚信经营、创新进取的理念、脚踏实地的做好对每位客户的服务。在短短几年内,依托良好信誉、专业服务、诚信交易、以及公司全体同仁的不懈努力,迅速成长为在业内有一定影响力的公司。 希望今日的努力成就明日的辉煌。热忱地欢迎国内外客商与我公司洽谈业务、建立合作关系!

    We mainly distribute DELPHI company’s Connector; Terminal; Seal and Ignition Wire; Ignition Wire of General Cable Industries (USA) and Madison Wire (Europe) Ltd; and Glue of Kohyei Trading Co.,Ltd Japan .
       We mainly distribute DELPHI company’s Connector; Terminal; Seal and Ignition Wire; Ignition Wire of General Cable Industries (USA) and Madison Wire (Europe) Ltd; and Glue of Kohyei Trading Co.,Ltd Japan
       Shift Technology Co., Ltd has her own import and export license, it can helps client to shorten the delivery time and increase the working efficiency . Through the closely cooperation with the foreign manufacturer and the fluently communication with international freight forwarding agent, it also can reduce the cost. In addition, our large quantity stock can provide the convenient channel for customers to carry out their plan in any event.
       We welcome all of domestic and oversea clients to establish the business relationships with us. We will try our best to provide the soonest response and the suitable solution for you. Through our strict management system, effective decision and professional service, we will assist and improve your success in the future.

地 址:北京亦庄开发区荣华南路10号院荣华国际大厦5号楼2008室
电 话:010-87678616-8002
传 真:010-87620620
邮 箱:shift_xs2@shiftech.com
邮 编:100176
京ICP备09043031号-1 版权所有 Copyright(C)2011-2012 施夫特科技(北京)有限公司